The Importance of Small Changes in Rhythm Dancing Games

What can we learn about game design by comparing Dance Dance Revolution and Pump It Up, two nearly identical rhythm games? Show Me Your Moves I would wager that most people have heard of Dance Dance Revolution, an arcade game where you step on arrows in time to music. It used to be quite popularContinue reading “The Importance of Small Changes in Rhythm Dancing Games”

Creepy Crawlers in Animal Crossing

Why might games contain elements that seem diametrically opposed to their core fantasy? A Hairy Situation Recently, I’ve been playing a lot of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The game provides a welcome escape from real life: during a stressful time when I am quarantined inside my apartment, I can feel free to visit a tropicalContinue reading “Creepy Crawlers in Animal Crossing”

The Subtly Brilliant Design of Balloons in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Rewarding Players for Playing the Game In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there are balloons carrying presents that occasionally drift over the player’s island, and the player can shoot these balloons with a slingshot to retrieve their loot. The present-laden balloon is a small yet masterfully designed feature that gently pushes players to engage with mostContinue reading “The Subtly Brilliant Design of Balloons in Animal Crossing: New Horizons”

The Trouble with Modding Games

Should fans be allowed to make their own mods and fan games for video games? Where is the line between fair use and copyright infringement? The Right to Play Let’s do a little thought experiment. Suppose you and I decide we want to play a riveting game of Uno, the classic card game with aContinue reading “The Trouble with Modding Games”

Authenticity vs. Accessibility

Should games stay true to their iconic elements that we fall in love with? Or should games be more inclusive even at the cost of what their die-hard fans love most? Monster Hunter Woes Last time I wrote on this blog, I discussed my first ever experience playing a game in the Monster Hunter franchise.Continue reading “Authenticity vs. Accessibility”

How to (not) make a good first impression: My first time with Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

I love Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, but my first experiences with the game were brutal. This is a tale of how to not make a good first impression on a new player. Welcome to Monster Hunter For a while, Monster Hunter was a game series that lived somewhere on the fringe of my sphere ofContinue reading “How to (not) make a good first impression: My first time with Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate”

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